C4SS Post-Doc Roundtable European Security and Beyond and the launch of a new face of CEJISS, November 8, 2021, 15:45-17:15

and the launch of a new face of CEJISS

WHEN: 8 November 2021, 15:45-17:15

VENUE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10,
Room no. 305


Welcome & Start
Oldřich Bureš | Centre for Security Studies, Metropolitan University Prague
Aleš Karmazin | Central European Journal of International and Security Studies

Jonata Anicetti | European University Institute
Paying the Buyer: European Arms Suppliers and Extra-EU Offset Demands

Christine Andreeva | Metropolitan University Prague
The Evolution of Information-Sharing and EU Counter-Terrorism

15th anniversary of the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS) and launch of its new face

Announcement of the winner of the anniversary award for the best paper by a PhD candidate, a postgraduate (Master’s) student or a recent graduate

This is a hybrid event.
Guests are welcome to attend the event in person (maximum capacity: 30) or join an online interactive stream.
Note: The start of the event is 15:45 but you can join us at 15:15 for a coffee break and some refreshments.

Registration is required.
Registration link: https://aplikace.mup.cz/c4ss-cejiss-roundtable/
You will receive a link for an online event and further information upon registration.