All posts by Olda Bures

Ukončení války bez konce? Konflikt v Náhorním Karabachu, 8. listopadu 2023, 17:30-19:00

Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií a Centrum bezpečnostních studií C4SS vás srdečně zvou na kulatý stůl Ukončení války bez konce? Konflikt v Náhorním Karabachu.

KDY: 8. listopadu 2023, 17:30-19:00

KDE: budova MUP Praha-Strašnice, Dubečská 900/10, č. 305

Vstup volný bez předchozí registrace.

Kulatý stůl se pokusí odpovědět na otázku, zda nedávné bleskové obsazení Náhorního Karabachu Ázerbajždánem skutečně ukončilo mnohaletý konflikt v této oblasti. Zároveň  nabídne pohled aktérů v blízkém sousedství regionu. 

Dr. Levon Ter-Ghazaryan (Katedra MVES) – Kavkaz
Dr. Michal Romancov (FSV UK) – Rusko
Dr. Martina Varkočková (Katedra MVES) – Střední Asie a turkický svět

Moderátor: Ing. Břetislav Tureček

International conference European Diplomacy Amidst Russia’s War in Ukraine: Preserving European Values, November 22, 2023, 9:30–12:45

The Department of International Relations and European Studies cordially invites you to the international conference European Diplomacy Amidst Russia’s War in Ukraine: Preserving European Values.

The event is organized in the framework of the international project Czech-Norwegian Initiative for the Coherent European Diplomacy in Times of War and Energy Crisis.

22 November 2023, 9:30–12:45

In person: Metropolitan University Prague, Dubečská 900/10, Prague 10, Room No. 003

Open invite: students & public

Kindly confirm your attendance at

Iver B. Neumann – Fridtjof Nansen Institute
Pavlina Janebova – Association for International Affairs (AMO)
Mats R. Braun – Metropolitan University Prague; Institute of International Relations Prague


CfA For a New PostDoc Position – June 12, 2023 deadline

A full-time postdoc position at the Center for Security Studies (C4SS), Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic for 12+12 months with the starting date on October 1, 2023. 12 months fellowship awarded upon selection, with the option for another 12 months extension of the fellowship pending successful performance of the fellow in the first 12 months.

We are looking for candidates with a Ph.D. degree in a social science discipline relevant to the study of security, broadly understood.

Application deadline: June 12, 2023

On-line interviews with shortlisted candidates: June 23, 2023

For full details on the position and application, please visit the relevant section of our website at

Roundtable discussion: The Russia-Ukraine War: Why the Conflict Was Not Prevented? December 7, 2022, 17:00–18:30

Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS) and Center for Security Studies (C4SS) cordially invite you to a roundtable discussion “The Russia-Ukraine War: Why the Conflict Was Not Prevented?”.

WHEN: 7 December 2022, 17:00–18:30

WHERE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Room no. 305 and online

The roundtable is organized on the occasion of the publication of the first Thematic Section of CEJISS.

Oksana Myshlovska – University of Bern
Vojtěch Bahenský – Charles University, Prague
Jonas J. Driedger – Pease Research Institute Frankfurt
Maryna Shevtsova – University of Ljubljana
Alexander Bendix – University of Edinburgh
Emmet Foley – UCC Cork & Dublin City University

This is a hybrid event. Guests are welcome to attend the event in person (maximum capacity: 30) or join an online interactive stream.

Registration is required:

You will receive a link for an online event and further information upon registration.

Public lecture: The evolution of EU counter-terrorism after the terrorist attacks of 2015-2016, December 14, 2022, from 9:00

The evolution of EU counter-terrorism after the terrorist attacks of 2015-2016: Information-sharing and cooperation in law enforcement and intelligence

Dr. Christine Andreeva, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Security Studies, MUP

WHEN: December 142022 from 9:00

WHERE: Room no. 307, MUP Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Prague 10

Free entry, no registration required.

More information